dear saints,
thanks so much for your doubt God has been hearing and answering in amazing ways...some beautiful providences have happened that have served to encourage us....we met a new believer who is first cousin to the guy who kicked us out of la barra...she will be witnessing to him about what the Lord has done for her...
on the night before having our first meeting in Simatan with the la barra believers we went out for hamburgers and it so happened that the lady who lives NEXT DOOR to the hamburger joint heard us speaking about the Lord...turns out she is a believer...her and her husband have also been ministering in la barra and where kicked out...and she has a PROPERTY in Simatan that she is lending us to hold our bible studies there...God is so good and so encouraging to us...
yesterday we finished our studies in 1 thessalonians and today we began our study of 1 timothy...they were encouraged to see that suffering is a normal part of the Christian experience...i told them that, yes, the christian life is HARD but the company is GOOD...Jesus Christ promises to never leave us or forsake us...
thank you for praying that men would show up...two men we know showed up...we had a very fruitful discussion on the roles of men and women in the church and in the home...they are eating up the bread of life with great eagerness...
about one hour away from Simatan there is a beautiful tourist attraction - las cascadas magicas - the magic waterfalls...we took a trip to go see this place...two young men were able to join us...while we were there i was able to talk at length with one about his was encouraging to hear of his hope in Christ and the change that he has experienced....
he also shared with me something that i need you all NEED to be praying for...his wife, is struggling with forgiving him for his many years of drunkennes, negligence and harsh treatment...he recognizes his sins and is seeking forgiveness...please pray that God would bring his healing to this family and show through them,to la barra, the power of reconciliation and transormation that the gospel brings...tomorrow after our study i plan to have a talk with the couple about this situation...PLEASE PRAY for wisdom and grace