Being a new teacher is teaching me sooooooo much. Its teaching me that- although I love my job I really need to grow in alot of areas.
I've been "talked" to by my principal for poor classroom management. He said, and I quote: "You need to step up your game"
I was like
So, I went into my classes on Friday like the mean woman from that movie "Matilda". I was stomping my tims big time and put the smack down on those cats. I was like: "If you try me and talk while I'm teaching your name goes on this board and you WILL be in detention with ME on monday. If I have to talk to you twice I will call your house". So one of my dear precious darlings decided to try me and broke out his flute from music class and started to play it... I called his mom on my cell on the spot
That lil dude was like...
I always thought that if I was too strict that that wouldn't be a good thing- but I have learned my lesson. My classes ran extra smooth and you could hear a pin drop outside my door into the hallway. I'm spending my weekend doing lesson plans and setting up learning games on a website I found that my kids can log in to. I can also have them do quizzes based on completing these learning games so I'm excited about that. I just want to be a beast of a teacher. Report cards are coming and because I had no control over my classes earlier many of my kids are failing. I feel like I've failed them and had I gained control and been Cruella De-vil earlier my kids would've been excelling. *sigh*
Well, now I know better... I'm spending my time doing lessons for the next three weeks. Homework assignments, quizes, projects, website log ins, and tests.I NEVER want to be called into the principal's office again. That jive was embarrassing!
Pray my Screnf in da Lawd!