- loercase wrote:
- I saw the move Luther, but I havent really done the research in terms of discerning the historical from the theatrical. However, I feel what you are saying about Luther's contempt for the Roman Catholic system. Do you think that things have changed much in practice since Luther's time?
If you saw the recent Luther.....
There is little Theatrical, other than calming Luther down some.... He had a lot of Harsh things to say.... but it was very accurate other than that......
The Practice of Indulgences.... is still there.... just hidden from plain sight.... but it's there.... took till Vatican II to address it by a Pope, and then it was acknowledged......
The Pope is still seen as Infallible by Catholic Dogma when he speaks Ex Cathedra.....
There is still corruption and wickedness practiced by Priests in many areas (for example, sexual scandals, but also Money scandals and other things yet)......
Though not as much, the Papacy does still have sway with governments.... a lot of South and Central American coutnries that haven't gone to Atheism are Majority Catholic, and run by Catholics....
They still have on display 24 of the 12 Apostles Bones in Vatican City.....
They still bow to the Pope.....
They still practice many things that are not Biblical...
so.... yeah, the Catholic Church didn't Reform much.... it's still full of wickedness that was warned of by all the Protestant Reformers who just wanted to fix it, but those in charge didn't want to fix it..... men like Jan Hus, Martin Luther, and others....