I was in my sociology class on Monday, and my professor was lecturing on death. He likes to give personal examples for better understanding, which is totally acceptable. He was telling about his mother prior to her death, and his circumstances at the time.
He described his mother as a very religious Catholic. He also said that, at the time, he was writing a book. It was during this period that his mother had a bad fall which hospitalized her. When he got to the hospital to see her, he saw that a priest was walking out of her room. He spoke with the priest, and the priest expressed his appreciation for her. In fact, he felt she was so saintly that he told my professor something to the effect of "soon, you may not be praying for her, but to her".
He later told of some curious occurences, which he accredits to his mother's doing, saying that on more than one occasion he's prayed to her.