Jonathan Edwards is considered by most historians as one of America’s greatest thinkers. Edwards, as a Christian thinker, has been more analyzed by non-Christians than any other American produced theologian. Typically, Edwards will be lightly read in history courses, schools will survey this man as the one who fiercely preached, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. Edwards is seen more as a ‘fire and brimstone’ preacher rather than a passionate, persuading, and heart-broken preacher.
Edwards knew hell, but, he knew his heaven even better. He was aware of the impending sovereign hand of our God and the need for the call to repentance. Edwards, is probably one of the most misinterpreted men. His thoughts were beyond his time. Edwards was a college president (Log College i.e Princeton University), theologian, missionary, philosopher, and a loving husband. He preached “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” just as the first great awakening was beginning. In reality, his sermon was a precursor to the great awakening. More importantly, Edwards held a burden, a burden held by few men over the ages of Christendom. Edwards had a heart and passion for the souls of men, like Paul; in the climatic chapter of Romans 9 were he states, “I wish I was accursed for the sake of my kinsmen”. Edwards had a deep void for the impending wrath of God upon men.
Sinner’s in the Hands of an Angry God is one of the most profound sermons ever preached. Edwards implements some of the most unique imagery used. Like, Thomas Watson, who utilized the power of imagery to the hearer or reader. From the outset the sermon is evangelistic in nature; it is a call to repentance from the hands of an angry God. Paul in second Corthinians announced, “Now is the day of salvation”. Edwards was aware that God’s grace is limited, that is, the provisional common grace he provides for men. One day the Lord Jesus return will be marked by swift righteous judgment. The depravity of man and the grace of God consumed Edwards in everything he wrote and thought. Because of man’s total inability to respond to the command of the gospel to repent, Edwards relished in the doctrine of regeneration, which, gave man the ability to exercise faith and repentance. This is why Edwards preached and wrote with such intensity. Sinner’s in the hand of an angry God is the preeminent example of this. Edwards, loved the gospel, he loved the doctrine of regeneration and pleaded with men to repent of their sins. He used such graphic imagery as the spider dangling, the furious nostrils of our Lord, and the fury of God. Richard Baxter said, “We screw the truth of God into the minds of men”. Edwards was compelled by the virtue of the nature of man and the supremacy of God to proclaim the excellencies of Christ.
This sermon is joined with heavily doctrinal truths like: the sovereignty of God, the mercy of God, the grace of God, and judgment of God. Sinner’s in the hands of an angry God is a display of the nature of God. It is a message of the impending judgments of God to come, but, the mercy he grants to those who will accept God’s grace. The application of this sermon is clear, concise, and without any error on the conscious of men. The idea of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ is the object of the whole sermon. It is the nature of God displayed in Edwards mind, but not only his nature is in mind, it is his redemptive purposes that are also shown. This is the heartbeat of Edwards, Gods provision, for those who will believe and repent of their sins.